Tuesday 24 April 2012

180 degree rule

The 180 degree shot is when you put the camera in a certain place but has to be symmetrical to the other camera position that has been shot. In my piece of filming i feel that my group got the angles spot on and put the camera on a line of symmetry and didn't cross over the 180 degree line.
The camera shots which include Wide shot, Long shot and Medium close-up shot. The wide shot was a good shot because we involved the whole background and the people that were in that scene. Then we did the Long shot which only involved me and becky which had a shot of our whole bodies which we got a well and accurate finish on. Then we had the medium close-up shot which is a shot that is from the shoulders to just above the head around 1 inch. This was good with the shoulder height but the head space was too much around 4 inches which made the shot not the best.

I would rate my work 8/10 because of the 180 axis, wide shot and long shot. Then i feel that the close-up put the percentage down.

Monday 12 December 2011

Evaluation of show

The main sound through our soap is the actors speaking but we had also added a punch sound for when the bully hits the nerd. It was all diegetic sounds. The bully's voice was deep and louder showing that he is a dominant character however the nerd's voice is higher pitch and loud to show that he is scared and it is loud to show that he is shouting for someone to help him. There is no other sounds because this shows they are iscolated and no one is around to help the nerd. This also makes the bully's voice sound much more powerful compared to the nerd's voice. 

With the use of colour we have put the bully in black clothing to represent him being a villian. The nerd is in bright clothes to show that he is a good person. The colours show good and evil through the story.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

media no.4 ( coronation street 1961 - 1979)

1961 -
No glamour, there are closely packed houses, the houses normally consist of a family living upstairs and another family living below them these houses are known as 1 up 1 down, the quality of the picture is not great and it is in black and white, the street is misty as if people don't care about it and shows it is old, the foot paths are very bumpy showing that it is not very well maintained, the camera wobbles while going into the scenes, The scenes do not cut from close up into medium they zoom out to go into that shot, to show intimedation they would use a low shot to show who is bigger in the arguments and it reverses the hierarchy, to show who is richer they higher class would have much more fancier attire/costume, there are some shots that have been composed as a wide establishing shot which can easily show the support others are giving the dominant character and props.

1979 -
The programme is now in colour but not very clear, the houses are packed together in rows, the set looks quite grim because of the picture is slightly green, the houses all look the same so they are in the same hierarchy, the houses are in rows to show lots of people are in poverty, the set looks run down, there is a cat laying on a grotty roof all by itself showing that it is lonely, tiles on the roof are coming off of the houses to show how run down it is, in the background of the intro there is a massive building which is flats to show another low end of the hierarchy, the sky is grey in the intro to show that there is no hope in getting a better lifestyle, the streets are empty no one walking down them showing that it has not many things to do in the street, they have slow movement that they got from films, they now use silence to create tension, there are more props being used and they carried on using the nicer clothing to show who is above the other in the higherarchy.

Thursday 13 October 2011

media no.3

Convention - means something that you expect to see in a certain genre or form. For example a soap opera you would expect it to have a pub. So the main characters of the soap can meet there, such as Eastenders using the Queen Vic. They would commonly use cliff hangers to keep viewers interested in what happens next. So they would watch the next episode when it is on.

Codes - means that when technical elements such as camera, mise - en - scene, sound, editting or special effects are used to create a certain atmosphere with the audience and leading the audience on. For example a man wallking down a dark corridor with light flickering on and off and at the end of the corridor is a door, the person always opens it in slow motion and we would think that there is something behind it when really the monster/creature would be behind him/her.

Codes and conventions in a western

Typical villian

Cowboys are a typical convention in a western. There are always a herioc cowboy wearing light/tanned hat, boots and jacket/cloak, normally a ladies man and there are always villians which wear black/dark tanned hat, boots and jacket/cloak. The codes of cowboy would be that the villian leads the audience to thinking that he has got what he wants and then the hero would come along to save the day.

Convention - Horses
Code - the code with a horse would be that there are no cars to travel so in a western they would ride on horses. A villian would ride a dark horse and a hero would ride a white horse or lightly tanned.

Conventions - pistol shoot outs and bar fights
Code - with bar fights and shoot outs show that they are rivals trying to show who is stronger than the other or a better shooter, most of the time it is to impress an attractive lady.

Convention - (country) music
Code - this represents the time of era cowboys were around. In a bar there is always a man playing the piano or guitar which stops playing when a outsider enters the bar. The music in a western would play slowly and rather deep to show that the villian has arrived or got what he was after. The music for when the hero enters or saves the day is high pitched and rather quick.

Convention - tumble weed
Code - this shows that the city which use to be busy until the villian showed up, so now it looks like the place is deserted.

Codes and conventions of a sci-fi

Conventions - alien/monster
Code - normally when an aliens talk sub-titles would translate what he was saying to show that it was talking a different language.

Convention - UFO/Spaceship
Code - normally the alien needs to get back to his home by finding his spaceship/UFO and some humans try to help the alien but the government try to capture the alien.


Tuesday 4 October 2011

media no. 2

Codes and Conventions for a Western film, Sci-fi film and a Action/Adventure film.

Western - Cowboys, horses, pistol shoot outs, indians, country music, tumble weeds, an attractive young lady  and bar fights.

Sci-fi - Alien, UFO, space ships, an attractive young lady, monsters, futuristic weapons, in space, robots, super powers, CGI, cross cutting and a point of view cam shot.

Action/Adventure - gun fights, sword fights, fist fights, wild scenary, at sea, chasing, lighting use to symbolise good and evil, sting to show that something that has happened, pyrotechniques, controlled explosions.

Sunday 25 September 2011


Modern media - T.V news would be modern media
News paper would be recognised as old media

Mass media - a media that is consumed by alot of people for example britains got talent.

Mediated - it is a representation on reality (interpretation).